Love Heart CupCakes Decorating
Step by step Love Heart CupCakes Decorating :
* Prepare a white fondant about 3 to 4 mm thick for cover the top of the cupcake. Hold a disc in one hand and a cupcake in the other, place the cupcake onto the disc and gently smooth the fondant on using our hand. We may have to use our thumb to gently adjust the size of the fondant if it is slightly too big, then take our flexi smoother and gently polish the cupcake until it is smooth all over.
* Prepare a white fondant about 3 to 4 mm thick for cover the top of the cupcake. Hold a disc in one hand and a cupcake in the other, place the cupcake onto the disc and gently smooth the fondant on using our hand. We may have to use our thumb to gently adjust the size of the fondant if it is slightly too big, then take our flexi smoother and gently polish the cupcake until it is smooth all over.
* Roll out some black fondant and some white fondant to 2 mm thickness.
* Using a heart cutter, cut out a large black heart and a smaller white heart.
* Using an artist brush dipped in water, paint a dab of water in the middle of the cupcake, don't use to much, if it is too much it will seep out from under the heart.
* Place the black large heart on top.
* Then put another dab of water in the middle of the black heart and then place the smaller white heart on top.
* In a small container, place some silver luster and then add a small amount of cake decorator's alcohol. With an artist brush, mix the luster until it is smooth and not too runny.
* Hold our cupcake up and paint the top heart silver with our artist brush held at a flat angle, this will minimize mistakes. This will dry quickly because the alcohol will evaporate quickly.
* Fill our piping bag with some black royal icing. Pipe small dots around the black heart and around the circumference of the cupcake.
* If we find that we get small tips on our dots, use a moist artist brush held at a flat angle to push the small tip down. Let the royal icing dry.
Love Heart CupCakes is finished decorated.
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